a passing hobby
And why wouldn't a CXO wonder if Google's plan to challenge Amazon Web Services was a passing hobby?Almost a year ago, Google launched its initial cloud infrastructure efforts. The plan sounded pretty strong in May 2013. Then there was nothing, but radio silence.
CXO 指的是企業執行、決策層級的人物。現在常被稱為 "C-level" 的階層,也就是職稱以 "Chief" (「長、主任」) 為首,以 "Officer" (「高級主管」) 結尾的階層。
a passing hobby 一時、瞬間的興趣
a passing hobby
initial cloud infrastructure
radio silence
And why wouldn't a CXO wonder if Google's plan to challenge Amazon Web Services was a passing hobby?Almost a year ago, Google launched its initial cloud infrastructure efforts. The plan sounded pretty strong in May 2013. Then there was nothing, but radio silence.
CXO 指的是企業執行、決策層級的人物。現在常被稱為 "C-level" 的階層,也就是職稱以 "Chief" (「長、主任」) 為首,以 "Officer" (「高級主管」) 結尾的階層。
a passing hobby 一時、瞬間的興趣
initial cloud infrastructure 初期的雲端基礎結構和設施
radio silence 以前收聽無線廣播電台,有時會因為技術上或其它不明的原因,放送中的節目會突然中斷,訊號消失,呈現無聲無息的狀態。這裡指Google 一年前宣稱要發展雲端架構,與亞馬遜一較高低,結果之後卻無聲無息,毫無作為。