cultural changes
past year-plus
to reverberate
that said
marching orders
open arms
to translate into
beyond the headlights
Cultural changes at Microsoft over the past year-plus are reverberating throughout the company, including across the company's 1,100-plus-strong Microsoft Research arm...
When I asked whether Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella's "mobile first/cloud first" mantra was influencing the types of research projects MSR [Microsoft Research] is undertaking, Lee was quick to note that "MSR management doesn't tell (researchers) what to do."
That said, "We all want to be part of a winning team," Lee acknowledged. And the company's product teams, with their mobile first/cloud first marching orders, "are welcoming research with open arms," these days, he added.
More "open arms" seemingly has translated into more Microsoft research projects becoming commercialized and/or part of commercialized products. But Lee said he doesn't want to err on the side of MSR becoming nothing but an extension of the company's product groups.
"We still need to be wackier and more forward-looking.... We are not just about product development. We are looking beyond the headlights," he said...
cultural changes 這裡指的是微軟自從換了總裁後,公司文化有了改變。
past year-plus 過去一年多
to reverberate 引起迴響
mantra 口頭禪
that said 就算是這樣 (= even so)
marching orders [軍隊」行軍的命令。這裡指公司下達的方針或方向
open arms 字面上是打開雙臂迎接來者,帶有友善之意。
to translate into 被解釋、理解為~。指研究團隊的企劃研發將「友善地」轉變成有商業性的產品。
wacky 古怪的。在此指的是「有創造、獨創性的」;研究團隊的研發將不會受領導階層新的方針所侷限。
beyond the headlights 字面上是「超越車子的頭燈」。在此指的是有「前瞻性」。