yours truly
Many Microsoft watchers, including yours truly, wondered if Midori would ever exit its incubation phase. But with one-time champion Rudder moving in November to a new advanced strategy post -- plus the move of the Midori team into Myerson's OS group -- something seems to be afoot.
watcher 觀察家
yours truly 本來是英文信件屬名前的結語。這裡指 "我",所以文句的意思是 "有許多微軟的觀察家,包括我..."。
yours truly
incubation phase
to be afoot
Many Microsoft watchers, including yours truly, wondered if Midori would ever exit its incubation phase. But with one-time champion Rudder moving in November to a new advanced strategy post -- plus the move of the Midori team into Myerson's OS group -- something seems to be afoot.
watcher 觀察家
yours truly 本來是英文信件屬名前的結語。這裡指 "我",所以文句的意思是 "有許多微軟的觀察家,包括我..."。
incubation phase 本來是指 "孵化期"。這裡指 "研發期"
to be afoot 進行中;醞釀中
Midori 一個微軟正在研發的新作業系統
Midori 一個微軟正在研發的新作業系統