details ... begining to merge
go well beyond features
rear view mirror
to thread a needle
to preserve a cash cow
give away
——The details around Windows 9---code named "Threshold"---are beginning to emerge, but the real action will go well beyond features and whether Microsoft can put Windows 8 in the rear view mirror. Microsoft's real challenge with Windows will be navigating a classic innovator's dilemma and how it can thread a needle between preserving a cash cow and ultimately give Windows away to hardware makers.
details... beginning to merge 指關於預計明年四月要發表的 Win 9 詳情將會開始出現。如同每次蘋果 iPhone 的新款手機正式發表之前,一連串猜測、外洩的新聞將接踵而來。
——The details around Windows 9---code named "Threshold"---are beginning to emerge, but the real action will go well beyond features and whether Microsoft can put Windows 8 in the rear view mirror. Microsoft's real challenge with Windows will be navigating a classic innovator's dilemma and how it can thread a needle between preserving a cash cow and ultimately give Windows away to hardware makers.
details... beginning to merge 指關於預計明年四月要發表的 Win 9 詳情將會開始出現。如同每次蘋果 iPhone 的新款手機正式發表之前,一連串猜測、外洩的新聞將接踵而來。
"Threshold" Win9 的代號:"門檻"
go well beyond features 問題完全不在其功能、特性;問題的本質遠超出這個層面。
rear view mirror (車的)後照鏡
to thread a needle 字面上是 "穿針引線" 的動作。作這動作的人必須非常小心、精準才得以完成。這裡指如何以Windows作業系統,在給予免費和硬體開發商之間小心謹慎、拿捏精準,位自己的作為。
to preserve a cash cow 保留/保護搖錢樹
give away (免費)放送/贈送