eye scrolling technology
iris reading
to nail
to sit out
Biometrics done right: I have an iPhone 5s too and find the fingerprint scanner also to be a gimmick in many ways. It just doesn't do much for me. Samsung's eye scrolling technology could become an iris reading approach as hinted by the company. But the biometrics have to be done right. I've tried fingerprints and face recognition to open my phone. The PIN wins every time. If Samsung can't nail the biometric approach well it may be best to sit it out. I doubt people will care. Biometrics just aren't the end-all when buying a device.
biometrics 生物測定。為一門科學和技術,專門測量分析生物(大部分是人類)的特徵資料,如:DNA、指紋、視網膜、虹膜、聲音、臉部表情等,以應用在辨識身分的範疇。後頭接的 "done right",是指作者希望三星能將這功能做好,弄得順暢,不要到頭來,還是得輸入密碼才能開始畫面。
gimmick 花招;噱頭;小伎倆。在此有負面的意思:利用生物測定的小噱頭,便想要吸引人。
eye scrolling technology 眼睛卷動技術。眼睛盯著手機螢幕,便可以讓畫面上下捲動。
iris reading 眼睛紅膜閱讀技術。
to nail 本來有"穩固" 的意思,這裡可以當做 "搞好" 或 "弄好"。
to sit out 本來是指到戶外坐著,不參與。這裡指將(那些只是噱頭的功能)屏除在外。
end-all 最終的目的
eye scrolling technology
iris reading
to nail
to sit out
Biometrics done right: I have an iPhone 5s too and find the fingerprint scanner also to be a gimmick in many ways. It just doesn't do much for me. Samsung's eye scrolling technology could become an iris reading approach as hinted by the company. But the biometrics have to be done right. I've tried fingerprints and face recognition to open my phone. The PIN wins every time. If Samsung can't nail the biometric approach well it may be best to sit it out. I doubt people will care. Biometrics just aren't the end-all when buying a device.
biometrics 生物測定。為一門科學和技術,專門測量分析生物(大部分是人類)的特徵資料,如:DNA、指紋、視網膜、虹膜、聲音、臉部表情等,以應用在辨識身分的範疇。後頭接的 "done right",是指作者希望三星能將這功能做好,弄得順暢,不要到頭來,還是得輸入密碼才能開始畫面。
gimmick 花招;噱頭;小伎倆。在此有負面的意思:利用生物測定的小噱頭,便想要吸引人。
eye scrolling technology 眼睛卷動技術。眼睛盯著手機螢幕,便可以讓畫面上下捲動。
iris reading 眼睛紅膜閱讀技術。
to nail 本來有"穩固" 的意思,這裡可以當做 "搞好" 或 "弄好"。
to sit out 本來是指到戶外坐著,不參與。這裡指將(那些只是噱頭的功能)屏除在外。
end-all 最終的目的