advanced utilities
advanced utilities
The Nexus 5 is a pure Android device, which is great for Google purists. However, there is also plenty missing when you look at devices like the LG G2, HTC One, Moto X, and Samsung Galaxy S4. All of those devices offer advanced utilities and consumer user experiences beyond what is offered in Android KitKat.
The Nexus 5 is a pure Android device, which is great for Google purists. However, there is also plenty missing when you look at devices like the LG G2, HTC One, Moto X, and Samsung Galaxy S4. All of those devices offer advanced utilities and consumer user experiences beyond what is offered in Android KitKat.
purist 純正主義者;純正癖者。這裡是指的是那些認為只有 Google 委託廠商製造的安卓(android)手機,才配稱之為正統的安卓手機。至於 HTC 和三星的安卓手機,加入了開發商的程式和規格,不配稱之為正統。
advanced utilities 先進功能
KitKat 最新的安卓版本 (4.4版)
Google 在 2005 年收購了Android 科技公司,為了避免日後的商標問題,Android 作業系統的代號由機器人改為現在的甜點系列,看起來有趣又可口:
Google 在 2005 年收購了Android 科技公司,為了避免日後的商標問題,Android 作業系統的代號由機器人改為現在的甜點系列,看起來有趣又可口: