bump in size
to get my hands on
a solid representative
a solid representative
that extra screen real estate
flashy, design-wise
is ribbed
If you were disappointed by the first generation of Windows 8 tablets, Dell's new Venue 8 Pro might be the antidote. The form factor, which competes directly with devices like the Nexus 7 and Kindle HDX, takes full advantage of Windows 8.1.
The bump in size from a 7-inch to an 8-inch tablet seems almost trivial. Can a single inch really make a difference?
Yes, it can.
Image credit: Dell
I finally got my hands on the new Dell Venue 8 Pro, and have had a chance to compare this 8-inch tablet running Windows 8.1 to the Google Nexus 7 and Kindle HDX, both of which are solid representatives of the 7-inch form factor. My verdict? You will take the Venue 8 Pro away from me when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers. That extra screen real estate is crucial for reading email, books, and news, but the device is still comfortable in the hand.
The Venue 8 Pro isn’t flashy, design-wise. The front panel is all glass, with a discreet black bezel and a 1.2 MP camera. The back is black plastic with a 5 MP camera above the trademark Dell logo; the plastic is ribbed, making it easy to hold the device in one hand without fear of dropping it.
Yes, it can.
I finally got my hands on the new Dell Venue 8 Pro, and have had a chance to compare this 8-inch tablet running Windows 8.1 to the Google Nexus 7 and Kindle HDX, both of which are solid representatives of the 7-inch form factor. My verdict? You will take the Venue 8 Pro away from me when you pry it from my cold, dead fingers. That extra screen real estate is crucial for reading email, books, and news, but the device is still comfortable in the hand.
The Venue 8 Pro isn’t flashy, design-wise. The front panel is all glass, with a discreet black bezel and a 1.2 MP camera. The back is black plastic with a 5 MP camera above the trademark Dell logo; the plastic is ribbed, making it easy to hold the device in one hand without fear of dropping it.
antidote 解藥
bump in size "bump" 當名詞是本是指,頭撞到東西時隆起的包。這裡指在尺寸上微微增加的部份(從七吋變成八吋)。這一吋,便是後文提到的那多出的一小塊地盤 "real estate",對於手握平板,閱讀信件、書籍、新聞,極其重要。
trivial 為不足道的小事
to get my hands on 拿到;碰觸到
a solid representative 實實在在的代表
pry 撬開。指作者愛不釋手,如果要硬要從他手中拿走 "take away",你得花力氣扳開緊扣、如死人僵硬的手指。
that extra screen real estate 螢幕上多出的那一小塊地盤
flashy, design-wise 浮華、俗氣的,有設計風格的。
discreet 審慎、不顯眼的
is ribbed "rib" 當名詞時是指 "肋骨"。這裡作動詞,指周圈微微隆起。