skeuomorphic model
flat design
be critical to
Recent developments in the design industry are moving away from the skeuomorphic model. User interface design in 2013 has hailed “flat” design as a way to create a perceived streamlining of information. Flat design takes out the graphical look of different textures and shadows, to look like a simple, flat graphic, not an image of a camera or yellow note pad.
Apple is changing its entire design approach to this “flat” world with iOS 7 and Microsoft’s Windows 8 has taken a similar approach. But both ignore places where the skeuomorphic model is still critical to the usefulness of a technology.
skeuomorphic model 擬物特性模型
這裡指的是蘋果 iOS 7 改版成極簡化設計('flat design')之前的 "擬物特性"的設計模型。iOS 7 之前的軟體設計,盡可能地模擬實際生活中,物品原有的功能、外型、紋理、陰影,讓使用者容易理解,方便上手。反觀,極簡化設計的中心概念是,透過簡單視覺焦點的引導,讓使用者快速完成操作。(可參考:文章1,文章2)
hail 歡迎
Recent developments in the design industry are moving away from the skeuomorphic model. User interface design in 2013 has hailed “flat” design as a way to create a perceived streamlining of information. Flat design takes out the graphical look of different textures and shadows, to look like a simple, flat graphic, not an image of a camera or yellow note pad.
Apple is changing its entire design approach to this “flat” world with iOS 7 and Microsoft’s Windows 8 has taken a similar approach. But both ignore places where the skeuomorphic model is still critical to the usefulness of a technology.
skeuomorphic model 擬物特性模型
這裡指的是蘋果 iOS 7 改版成極簡化設計('flat design')之前的 "擬物特性"的設計模型。iOS 7 之前的軟體設計,盡可能地模擬實際生活中,物品原有的功能、外型、紋理、陰影,讓使用者容易理解,方便上手。反觀,極簡化設計的中心概念是,透過簡單視覺焦點的引導,讓使用者快速完成操作。(可參考:文章1,文章2)
hail 歡迎
streamline 提高效率、功能(如藉由改進或簡化工作的方式)
flat design 極簡化設計
be critical to 非常重要的