train commute
out and about
scratch up
be tough to beat
make it a killer tablet
display junkies
I used the Nokia Lumia 2520 while at home, during my two hour daily train commute, in the office, and while out and about. I love the light weight and durable black soft touch back. Unlike my iPhone, I felt fine just setting it down on a table without worrying about it breaking or scratching up.
The viewing angles are phenomenal and the display is tough to beat. I know the iPad has a higher ppi, but the ClearBlack technology of the Lumia 2520 makes it a killer tablet for display junkies.
out and about 暫時離開或到處跑跑
scratch up 劃到;割到。這裡指 Lumia 2520 既不怕破也不怕刮花。
phenomenal 驚人、非凡的,特別是指與感官有關的形容。
be tough to beat [顯示的影像太棒],要打敗是很困難的
make it a killer tablet 讓它成為令人傾心的平板。應該來自於 "使女子傾心的男人,woman/lady killer" 的概念。
display junkies 追求影像顯示迷。"junkie" 本是指 "吸毒" 的癮君子,對毒品無法自拔。在此意指,耽溺於要求影像完美顯示。