household name
surveillance practice
form an alliance
fierce competitors
bring to light
Household names including Apple and Google have formally called for changes to U.S. surveillance practices and policy, arguing that current operations undermine the freedom of people.
Eight companies, Google, Apple, Facebook, Twitter, AOL, Microsoft, Yahoo and LinkedIn have formed an alliance called the Reform Government Surveillance group. Although usually fierce competitors, the group have come together in agreement over the U.S. government's spying programs -- brought to light by former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden -- and have formally requested "wide-scale changes" to the regime.
household name 家喻戶曉的名字
surveillance practice 監視/監控行為
undermine 損害;危害。字首是 "在底下,under",字根為 "挖掘,mine" ;也就是從底下鑿 [基礎] 搞破壞。
form an alliance 締結同盟
fierce competitors 激烈的競爭對手
bring to light 揭發
regime 政權;統治的制度。常有負面專制獨裁的涵義。