Why are apps a noun?
Bingification of apps
to show off
entity information
a squiggly line
a Bing-enriched mail app
"Why are apps a noun?" Whittaker asked the crowd. "Why are apps something we have to possess?"
Instead, why don't apps understand context? Why don't apps and the Web work together to help users perform research?
Whittaker wasn't referring to Microsoft's integration of Bing "smart search" into Windows 8.1. He was talking about the next step beyond that: The Bingification of apps.
At the Ignition confab, Whittaker showed off a version of enterprise Outlook which included add-ins developed by himself and a few interns that would allow users to see entity information right inside their e-mail. The same way that Microsoft Office apps currently alert users with a squiggly line to a potentially misspelled word, a Bing-enriched mail app could show users information about entities embedded in their e-mail messages -- things like bands, venues, nearby restaurants and more.
Why are apps a noun? 為什麼應用程式只能只是一個名詞?這裡指的是 Whittaker 預想將來讓應用程式能與網路的搜尋引擎結合,成為更主動的個體,利用微軟的搜索引擎 "Bing",提供給使用者更多訊息。
Bingification Bing 化應用軟體。
confab 指半導體工業的最重要的會議和網路方面的例行活動。
"Why are apps a noun?" Whittaker asked the crowd. "Why are apps something we have to possess?"
Instead, why don't apps understand context? Why don't apps and the Web work together to help users perform research?
Whittaker wasn't referring to Microsoft's integration of Bing "smart search" into Windows 8.1. He was talking about the next step beyond that: The Bingification of apps.
At the Ignition confab, Whittaker showed off a version of enterprise Outlook which included add-ins developed by himself and a few interns that would allow users to see entity information right inside their e-mail. The same way that Microsoft Office apps currently alert users with a squiggly line to a potentially misspelled word, a Bing-enriched mail app could show users information about entities embedded in their e-mail messages -- things like bands, venues, nearby restaurants and more.
Why are apps a noun? 為什麼應用程式只能只是一個名詞?這裡指的是 Whittaker 預想將來讓應用程式能與網路的搜尋引擎結合,成為更主動的個體,利用微軟的搜索引擎 "Bing",提供給使用者更多訊息。
Bingification Bing 化應用軟體。
confab 指半導體工業的最重要的會議和網路方面的例行活動。
to show off 展示
entity information 實體資訊。這裡指在使用者的信件內容中提供實際的訊息,例如:餐廳、音樂團體,等。
a squiggly line 彎曲的線條。指的是當你在文書處理器或網站上打錯字時,錯別字下方會出現加上顏色的彎曲線條,提醒使用者改正。
a Bing-enriched mail app 加上 Bing 搜尋引擎功能的郵件應用軟體